CHITATO & QTELA Limited Edition

1:35 AM

In order to welcome the 490th anniversary of Jakarta city, PT Indofood Fritolay Makmur through its well known snack brands, CHITATO and QTELA Singkong, launched Limited Edition Flavors. For some people who don't know yet, CHITATO is potato chips snack, while QTELA Singkong is cassava chips snack.
CHITATO Kerak Telor Flavor
QTELA Singkong Rujak Juhi Flavor

We are a little surprised and impressed by the flavor variant launched by them. For CHITATO they introduced Kerak Telor (egg crust) flavor and for QTELA Singkong they originated Rujak Juhi flavor. We could tell at a glance that the flavors were selected to represent Jakarta's signature dishes. Beside these two flavors, Jakarta also has other signature dishes, such as Gado-gado, Soto Betawi, Nasi Uduk, and Asinan Betawi. But Kerak Telor and Rujak Juhi surely are on top of the list. So this time, the flavor selection really goes well with the theme.

CHITATO through its history, always surprises us with their flavors innovation. For instance, last February coinciding with Valentine's Day, they also launched CHITATO Couple Edition. You can find the review here. However, for QTELA Singkong, as far as we know, this may be the first time for them to add a limited edition flavor innovation for its product line. When we first saw the flavor of both chips, we honestly have quite high expectations from the flavors offered, considering each dishes they highlight here have certain flavor characteristic that people already familiar with.  Hopefully, they will match and fulfill our expectations.

So let's get into it!

CHITATO Kerak Telor Flavor

Kerak Telor itself is a street food you can commonly found in Jakarta. The vendor selling Kerak Telor always looks the same, like the one on the CHITATO packaging, At a glance, it is like omelette dish, mixing egg with glutinous rice and topped with fried shredded coconut (serundeng) and fried shallots. Usually we can choose whether we prefer to use chicken egg or duck egg. One of the thing that characterize the flavor in this dish for me, is the burnt egg flavor and aroma that is cooked with charcoal.

As you can see in the picture above, the seasoning color is bright brown to orange-ish and not very different with the other CHITATO regular flavors. However, as you bite the chips, the flavor here is quite distinct with their regulars. As we munch on the potato chips, we can taste the burnt egg flavor and aroma, which I think is the key element to the flavor. The spices also in the right balance for us, savory but not too salty. Overall, we can perceive this potato chip as Kerak Telor flavor if we already know the labeling name. But to be honest, if I didn't know it beforehand, I don't think I can guess the flavor correctly. On the bright side, it is pretty tasty!
CHITATO Kerak Telor Flavor

QTELA Singkong Rujak Juhi Flavor

Another street food authentic to Jakarta is Rujak Juhi. On a Rujak Juhi plate, we can see mixture of chopped boiled potato, noodle, cucumber, and shredded lettuce, covered with peanut sauce and complimented with shredded Juhi.  Peanut sauce used here is more on the savory type, different with Fruit Rujak that use sweet peanut sauce. While Juhi is a dried and smoked cuttlefish, known for its distinct aroma.

QTELA Singkong obviously has different texture and taste with CHITATO, it has thinner slices of chips and different basic taste as well. Cassava has bitter and sweet basic taste characteristic, and I think it complimented the Rujak Juhi seasoning. This product achieve its goal in perceiving the targeted flavor, from the first bite we can taste the savory peanut sauce, which really goes well with the bitter sweet cassava characteristic. Further more, we can find a hint of smoked cuttlefish aroma without being to fishy.
QTELA Singkong Rujak Juhi Flavor
So, yeah I think you guys should definitely try these limited edition flavors from CHITATO and QTELA. If you do try, please comment and let us know how do you like it 😄

Happy Birthday Jakarta! Blessings to you, your people, and of course as the capital of our beloved Indonesia, we wish only the best for Jakarta. Cheers!

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