Lampung Banana Chips

6:05 PM

Banana chip is one of the popular crispy snacks and can be commonly found in Indonesia, especially, is found in Sumatra and Java. In Indonesia, banana chip is called keripik pisang.

Early in January 2017, we went to Lampung, to attend our cousin’s wedding. In that short trip, I felt curios about typical gift from Lampung, and one of the favorite is keripik pisang. Based on my cousin experience, which live for some time in that city, Lampung area residents have grown a lot of banana tree in their field. The abundant harvest of banana makes them to start creating a more creative way to consume bananas. Therefore, keripik pisang becomes one of their favorite products as a typical food of Lampung.

Nowadays, there are a lot of commercial brands for banana chips in Lampung. Keripik pisang kepok Aneka Yen-Yen is the most popular one. They have some flavors of keripik pisang, such as original (sweet or salty), chocolate, coffee, mocha, balado, cheese, melon, strawberry, durian, beef BBQ, BBQ, and milk. You can find this keripik pisang in ANEKA SARI RASA (Pusat Produk Oleh-Oleh Khas Lampung), which is located in Jl Ikan Kakap no. 26 & 28, Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung.

Keripik pisang kepok Aneka Yen Yen Milk (Susu) Flavor
Aneka Yen Yen
We are going to review this product based on what we see and taste.

Keripik pisang
Aneka Yen Yen, as picture above, is packed sealed in plastic bag as primer packaging, and paper bag as secondary packaging. The packaging quite traditional and simple with brand on it. For the appearance, the color of it is off-white, as the color of powder coating on banana chip. The color quite a resemblance of what we expect of milk flavor. The banana chips are evenly sliced in the same thickness, and though it is still quite thick, this keripik pisang still has some crunchiness to it. The coating itself is thick and evenly coated the surface of the sliced banana. The taste of milk flavor is not overly sweet and the smell of milk powder also adding to the pleasant experience of eating. As like milk, we think this keripik pisang really meets our expectation.

While we are in Lampung, friend of us also gave us keripik pisang kepok Iyen. So we decide to review it along with keripik pisang kepok Aneka Yen Yen. Iyen has the various of flavors as well as Aneka Yen Yen, however Iyen has some additional flavors like pizza, choco coffee, and  seaweed.

Keripik Pisang Kepok Iyen Milk (Susu) Flavor
Keripik pisang kepok Iyen has similar packaging as well as Aneka Yen Yen, only different in design. The design printed on the packaging is more attractive and show a modern look. However, the product appearance looks dulls dark, partly because of the powder coating that is not sticking to the banana, hence showing the real color of banana chips. The powder coating is significantly lesser than the one in Aneka Yen Yen, and a lot of it falls of instead of coating and sticking to the banana chips. Another reason is the banana slices itself appear to be darker than Aneka Yen Yen. The texture is similar, which has crunchiness and evenly sliced in same thickness. In term of taste, our expectation regarding milk should taste like milk, but the banana chip Iyen has less milk flavor and tend to taste like vanilla flavor. Overall, it is too sweet for our liking and has a bitter aftertaste.

Generally speaking, we prefer keripik pisang kepok Aneka Yen Yen to Iyen for milk flavor. On the other occasion, we certainly want to try other flavors, even other brands also. If you have an experience about banana chips, you can share and comment in section below.

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